Our Mission
Understand why people engage in self-injurious thoughts and behaviors and develop interventions to prevent them.
Our Motive
Suicide is a leading cause of death. However, unlike many of the other leading causes of death, suicide has not declined overall. In fact, the suicide rate today is effectively equivalent to what it was 100 years ago. This means that we need to better understand suicide and develop better ways to prevent it.
That’s exactly what we do here at RiPPL. The goal of our work is to reduce human suffering through understanding, predicting, and preventing self-injurious behavior, like suicide and non-suicidal self-injury. We are especially invested in our community, right here in the Bronx, and we hope that our work here will benefit many more people who are struggling. Check out our current projects to see how we are trying to help people.
Data for the figures to the right are publicly available from the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/index.html)